10. Take care of Ur aPpearAncE.
(yoU're tHe onLy oNe wHo can!)
9. wEar a smiLe.
8. gEt out oF uR cHair anD eXerCisE!.
7. Never bUiLd yoUrself up bY pUttinG otheRs dowN. It dOesn't work.
6. Be YourSelf.NO need to faKe it.
5. CarrY yourSelf well.You weRe handmAde by God.
4. Look beYond you and ceLebRate for the aCcompliShments of oThers.
3. Cut bacK on the Sugar and drink plEnty of waTer.
2. GEt some slEEp. ShoRt nigHts can reSult in UnpRoduCtive daYs and Weaken yoUr iMmune sYsteM.
1. Get to kNow the oNe wHo cReaTed yoU.
thanx.........for the comment.......agi lang pud ko.........
girly au emong blog oie..
tsege au2x...
tnx.. ingatz permi.. buotan ka 4 me.. hehe palakas lang gud hehe..
hAi!!! nicE aU bLog nimUh hA!!tUdlUi kO anAh bEhhh????hehEhE
Hi!Rom!!nice imong blog but katag lang ang mga pics!!ok ra na uy....
ei sonyang...
hehhe...nice blog...
tnx xa eu comment...
amping olweiz...
...jackie hir...
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